Thursday, March 18, 2010

To Become a Vegetarian or To Not Become a Vegetarian

We will be embarking on a new adventure....possibly....
Aunt Sarah and Uncle Wayne are vegetarians and they make it work. I always thought I could never become a vegetarian because I need my meat! But according to the research I've done most meat eating Americans get much more protein than they actually need. And it's very easy to get enough protein in a vegetarian diet (or pesco-vegetarian- which includes fish). And a Pesco-Vegetarian diet is the healthiest vegetarian lifestyle.
Now you may ask why I am considering this? Well, it's not because I'm an animal lover! If you know me, then you know that is far from the truth! I don't hate animals....I'm just not a big fan of them:)
I have watched a couple of documentaries about where our food comes from and it has really opened my eyes! Yes, animals that are being raised to be slaughtered are treated badly. But they are also pumped up with so much bad stuff and fed foods they were not created to eat! Cows are given a corn based diet. They were created to be grass grazing animal, not to eat corn! In fact, the corn diet is so bad for them that they have to put antibiotics in their corn food so they don't get sick and die!!! And we are eating that antibiotic, hormone pumped meat????? I really wonder what a grass grazing cow would taste like.... If I could afford it I would buy all organic meat.
So, that is why I am considering taking the plunge! My husband actually suggested we try eating this way for two weeks and see how we feel....he doesn't think I can do it! So, starting this coming Monday we will embark on a two week vegetarian diet...and who knows where it may lead!
Headed to the grocery store....

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